Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Hunger Games 2

Katnis and Peeta are now on there way to the capital they are now worrying about what will happen to them in the games.  Haymich isn't much of a help but he does give some good advice.  The get to the capital and make a stunning entrance into the capital.  Katnis becomes the girl on fire and is loved by people in the capital.  Then training occurs they meet who they will be fighting against.  the author truly writes the story so that you are there in the training rooms with them its very cool.  Now that they are through the training Peeta announces that he has a crush on Katnis and that changes the whole game because now they are the star crossed lovers from district 12.  This book is turning into a real game changer for me. I love this book so far its really captivating and enjoyable.

The Hunger Games 1

One of the most stereotypical teenage novels of our generation but it still shows that teenagers really do read.  this story has a very interesting way of telling a story.  Its told in the future but some parts seem like they are occurring to you. You are almost sucked into this story as if you could be a part of the story.  the detail that the author puts into the stories is really cool. you can visualize the whole thing. You are almost in the arena with the players.  The whole story takes place is the future post apocalyptic world in the country of Panem.  The main character is Katnis and she gets put into the reaping to be put into the hunger games.  Her sister gets picked and she volunteers in her place because she has not chance at surviving. This story is getting really interesting and i am really looking forward to reading it further.