Friday, October 18, 2013

Little Brother 4

What breaking news and another major plot twist.  Spoiler alert Darryl is not dead.  That changes so much about the novel and give Marcus even more of a reason to rebel and fight for the rights that the Department of Homeland Security seems to be taking away from people to try to keep the enemy from attaching again.  They do this by tracking people and taking in random people off the street for questioning.  They take over a persons rights to privacy and treat everyone like they are a threat to the country.  They put more of a scare into the people than the attack did. This book takes place in the near future that really is not that far away.  We have to capabilities to do many of the things that the government did in this book.  They can track through phones and cards and other personal items on your person.  This book also parallels the past in ways too.  The procedures and the way the government acted was very similar to the September 11 attacks across the country.  The government didn't take it to the extreme like they did in this novel but when you think about it this could have happened in real life.  The government could have taken people to secret prisons and interrogated people until they had not more of a use for them.  The government  would swear you to secrecy just like Marcus and if you told anyone the story they would take you back to the prison. This story has been one of the greatest reads that I have ever enjoyed.  I hope you find time to read it as well

Little Brother 3

"Little Brother" how you continue to surprise your readers.  Van and Marcus already are not talking to each other and not the reader finds out that Van and Ange do not get along.  The style of this book is simple.  It is very easy to follow which is very easy for any high school student to read when they have leisure time.  I know you don't have much leisure time but you can just read for even five minutes and then go do something else and you will be able to pick up right where you left off.  This book is a must read for anyone who like technology and adventure and a little bit of a love story. The characters are very relate able and you can really connect with the characters.  This is one of the few books that I have read recently that I have truly enjoyed.  From teenagers playing hookie to being interrogated by the Department of Homeland Security this book make major swings in the way that the story unfolds.  It is a very simple method of telling a story but with the many twists and turns it makes it an interesting read that keeps you guessing. The turns have surprised me like when Darryl died that was a sad plot twist.  This book covers so much from the need of social order to the panic and paranoia that sets in after a major attack on you home land.  This book shows that lengths that people go to keep their rights.

Little Brother 2 *

Right now "Little Brother" is just shooting up my favorite books of all time list.  Its up there right now with "The Hunger Games" and the Harry Potter series.  This book is really easy to follow and sparks an interest in anyone with a little bit of a rebellion in them.   How could this book not peak any teenagers interest we all have a little bit of the rebellion inside of us and that's what makes it fun to read.  He does what all teenagers have wanted to do and that is rebel in some way.  He does it on a much larger scale and with more force but it what every teenager wants on the inside.  Marcus helped to expand this encrypted Internet called x net and it is used by anyone and everyone who does not want to be looked at by homeland security.  To encrypt the x net even more since him and his friends are really paranoid now they hold an encryption party to get a secret code to communicate to each other through.  This is where he meets Ange his love interest so far throughout the novel.  This really techy girl that is addicted to really spicy food, I mean she used pepper spray as a sauce that's weird.  She seems like a smart and really nice girl.  I cant wait to see where this book is going to go and I can tell the rest is going to be a very good read I cant wait to get to it.

Monday, October 14, 2013

"Little Brother" 1

Right now I am reading "Little Brother" by Cory Doctorow.  This book is so far a very interesting read. If it were not for the time constraints of being a teenager I would love to sit down and finish the whole thing in a few days, but what teenager has time for that. It is about a teenager Marcus Yallow also known around the Internet as w1n5t0n. He has had to deal with the disciplinarian at his school who has it in for him and is trying to prove that Marcus is in fact w1n5t0n. After dealing with the disciplinarian Mr. Bensen he decides he wants to leave school early to got try and find the clue for this game that they play online. But him and his friends didn't think they wold be stuck in the middle of what happened next.  They were looking for the clue when the biggest act of terror on the US since 9-11 occurs in San Francisco.   They were picked up by possible terrorists and they all thought that they were doing to die and just be a statistic of the attack. This book is heading somewhere intresting